Tuesday, June 7th

Join us at the Expo - Open All Day!

Start the Day

Tue, Jun 7 at 9:00 am EDT
Morning Move and Groove

Watch Session

Grab your breakfast of choice, get energized with our virtual DJ Scott Messina, and hear highlights of the day ahead.


Scott Messina, Entertainer, Host and Producer, Messina Productions

Tue, Jun 7 at 9:00 am EDT
What Women Want in Retirement

Watch Session

Women retiring today often face a challenge—compared to men, they are likely to live longer but be less able to afford it. 

Due to the gender pay gap and caregiving responsibilities, millions of women enter retirement at a financial disadvantage. 

For women who are in or nearing retirement, what keeps them up at night with worry? What help and guidance are they seeking in this critical phase of life? 

Join NCOA and Nationwide as we reveal findings from our latest research on what women want when it comes to aging well. 


Ramsey Alwin, President & CEO, National Council on Aging

Kristi Rodriguez, Senior Vice President, Nationwide Retirement Institute® - Nationwide Financial

Education Sessions

Tue, Jun 7 at 10:00 am EDT
MOB-V One Year Later.....Outcomes and Lessons Learned

Watch Session

In this 45-minute panel presentation, we will hear from MaineHealth’s Kirsten Dorsey, OTR/L and Program Manager for A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls Lay Leader Model on the outcomes from the National Falls Database for the A Matter of Balance Virtual Translation (MOB-V). The outcomes explored will be Falls Efficacy, Falls Management, and Activity Levels for participants of the Virtual Translation. We will also hear from four partner organizations who have been implementing the MOB-V since early 2021. Stanford University Trauma Center in California, Partners in Care Foundation in California, National Kidney Foundation of Michigan and Centralina Area Agency on Aging in North Carolina will share valuable information ranging from how they got started offering virtual programming to lessons learned in recruitment, technology support, and marketing.

Ellen Corman, Manager, Injury Prevention and Community Engagement Trauma Service Stanford Health Care, Stanford Health Care

Katie Kutcher, Aging Programs Coordinator, Centralina Regional Council

Kirsten Dorsey OTR/L, Program Manager, MaineHealth

Cassandra Manfre, Project Manager, Partners in Care Foundation

Christy Ann Lau, MSSW, Senior Director, Community Wellness, Partners in Care Foundation

LaShawndala (LaShawn) Griffin MOB, Administrative Program Coordinator, National Kidney Foundation of Michigan

Ann Andrews, MPH, Senior Program Manager, National Kidney Foundation of Michigan

Linda Miller, Area Agency on Aging Director, Centralina Regional Council


Jennifer Tripken, Ed.D., CHES, Associate Director, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 10:00 am EDT
Don't go it alone: A Teamwork Approach to Issue Spotting and Problem Resolution

Watch Session

Through this presentation attendees will learn the importance of having partnerships in place across the aging network and will hear case studies demonstrating how complex problems were resolved quickly and efficiently as a result of those partnerships. The presenters will demonstrate that this work is accomplished by partners learning to issue spot and referring to the appropriate expert, with no increased costs. This model of partnerships and cooperation provides better outcomes for the consumer and greater satisfaction for the advocate because they are able to refer the consumer to the correct resource with confidence.

Jill Randall, Helpline & Medicare Advocacy Services Director, Legal Services for the Elderly

Anne Smith, Medicare Rights Advocate, Legal Services for the Elderly


Kathleen Zuke, MPH (she/her), Director, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 10:00 am EDT
Not all Beneficiary Sessions are Created Equal

Watch Session

This presentation is designed for all staff providing direct assistance to beneficiaries and caregivers. In our work with the public, beneficiaries or caregivers may come to us for assistance in an emotional or behavioral state, which can create hurdles that must be addressed either upfront or throughout the session. This may especially be true when helping others amidst emotionally charged topics and climates like COVID-19 and the pandemic. If these hurdles are not overcome quickly, sessions can get sidetracked, making it difficult for staff to be effective and for clients to get their needs met. This presentation will provide a framework and strategies for assisting staff in safely and effectively addressing and overcoming these barriers. These strategies will help clear a path for better outcomes for the individuals served.

Dennis Smithe MA, Client Services Manager, SHIP TA Center (NEI3A)


Donya Currie, Senior Editor, NCOA, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 10:00 am EDT
Looking to Innovate Services? Turn to your Friendly Neighborhood Resource Center

Watch Session

Looking to create innovative services or try new ways of doing business? Turn to your friendly neighborhood Resource Center for all things nutrition, senior centers, falls prevention, and chronic disease self-management! Learn how the National Council on Aging and the Nutrition & Aging Resource Center supports Older Americans Act programs, senior centers, nutrition providers, and more by providing resources, tools, and technical assistance.

Laura Plunkett, Senior Program Specialist, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

Dianne Stone, Associate Director of Network Development and Engagement, Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center and NISC, National Council on Aging

Erin Hoisington, Nutrition & Aging Content Director, Iowa Department on Aging


Donna Bethge, Aging Services Program Specialist, Administration for Community Living

Tue, Jun 7 at 10:00 am EDT
The Voice of Community: Critical to meaningful evidence-based programming

Watch Session

A large rural health system will share their experience working alongside Community Advisory Councils in both rural and urban settings. Strategies to assure community feedback and guidance will be discussed. Art of Hosting methodology will be described with examples to illustrate how check-in and check-out questions can engage the voice of community in evidence-based programming integration and planning efforts. The use of Art of Hosting brings equity to voice and respect for all involved. It acknowledges the wisdom and nurtures innovation when partnering with council members. This session will introduce measures to use when identifying key community stakeholders and strategies while guiding and mentoring community member council engagement in strategic planning. Participation in small groups will explore capacity building in the participant‘s own community while creating or expanding a Community Advisory Council.


Shelly Clauson, RN, CRRN, B-C, Lead Learning & Development Specialist, Sanford Health



Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 10:00 am EDT
Using Pedagogy in Senior Center Lifelong Learning: Flipping the Classroom

Watch Session

The are numerous benefits to participating in lifelong learning programs. Utilizing techniques that are commonly used in educational settings may help transform the lifelong learning program in your senior center. Learn how a senior center is borrowing from the field of education to introduce the flipped classroom to their lifelong learning program.

Anna Matos-Mournighan, Deputy Director, Edward King House Senior Center

Carmela Geer, Executive Director, The Edward King House Senior Center


Susan Stiles, Senior Director, Healthy Aging Innovations, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 10:00 am EDT
Center for Healthy Aging Programs and Underserved Populations: Outcomes and Opportunities

Watch Session

In collaboration with our partners at the Administration on Community Living, The Center for Healthy Aging has developed an increasingly sophisticated set of tools for measuring the demographic composition of CDSME and Falls Prevention Programs. At the beginning of each workshop, program facilitators collect data on participant age, race, ethnicity and gender identity. Combined with a robust set of outcome measurements, such as pre-post loneliness/social isolation score change, this allows us to hold ourselves accountable for achieving NCOA’s pledge to help improve health and wellness outcomes in the country’s most underserved communities. This session will break out participant data in the CDSME and Falls databases based on targeted demographics, as well as suggest data-based future opportunities for targeting underserved communities.

Kenny Rosenkranz, Data Management and Analysis Associate, NCOA

Education Sessions

Tue, Jun 7 at 11:00 am EDT
Establishing Return on Investment for Evidence-Based Programs and Services that Address Social Determinants of Health

Watch Session

The Maryland Living Well Center of Excellence (LWCE), a Division of MAC Inc. AAA, receives patient referrals from physicians to a wide array of evidence-based programs (EBPs). As part of the process, an assessment of the patient’s social needs assists with enrollment in EBPs and identifies other non-clinical services such as transportation or home-delivered meals. During COVID, identifying and addressing older adults' needs, including social isolation and mental health issues became even more critical. Patient referrals are received via the state’s health information exchange secure system (HIE). Patient enrollment and attendance in an EBP, along with information about other services provided, is documented via the HIE and reported to the referring physician. Maryland hospitals are in a single- payer, capitated rate system for Medicare reimbursement. Hospitals are responsible for all individuals within their catchment area, which requires a public health approach that focuses on prevention, early detection and appropriate treatment.

Sue Lachenmayr, MPH, CHES, Statewide Program Manager, Maryland Living Well Center of Excellence - MAC, Inc.

Leigh Ann Eagle BS, Chief Operations Officer, Maryland Living Well Center of Excellence, Maryland Living Well Center of Excellence - MAC, Inc.


Jennifer Tripken, Ed.D., CHES, Associate Director, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 11:00 am EDT
Designing Statewide Approaches to Standardize Support for Evidence-based Programs Through Multi-stakeholder Engagement

Watch Session

As a 2021 CDSME ACL grantee, Comagine Health is working as a co-network lead entity to design and implement the Community Integrated Network of Oregon (CINO), a network of diverse stakeholders focused on building the statewide infrastructure to deliver and sustain evidenced based chronic disease self-management education and support programs. Over the last nine years, Comagine Health has provided individualized technical assistance and support to partners on building and sustaining CDSME programs and recognizes the limitations to scale this decentralized model. With the implementation of CINO, this work is transitioning from individual support to create a standardized statewide support system accessible to all interested stakeholders. This presentation will share strategies and key activities for designing statewide approaches to standardize support for evidence-based program delivery partners and other diverse stakeholders engaged in evidence-based programs.

Lavinia Goto, Operations Manager, Oregon Wellness Network

Katrina Seipp-Lewington, Manager of Community Health, Comagine Health


Jessica Duryea, Staff, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 11:00 am EDT
Steps to SafetyTM: Empowering Older Adults for Home Fire and Fall Prevention

Watch Session

In this dynamic session, attendees will learn about Steps to SafetyTM (formerly Remembering WhenTM), a community-based approach designed to help older adults age in their homes safe from falls, fires, and other hazards. Leaders from the National Fire Protection Association will describe a multi-disciplinary approach which leverages and brings together creative partnerships, data from fire service/EMS service calls, and sound educational practice. Speakers will describe new digital tools to shore up community level strategies to support training, education, and interventions to reduce home hazards related to falls and fires and empower residents and their caregivers to take action for their own safety.

Andrea Vastis, MPH, CHES, Senior Director, Public Education, National Fire Protection Association


Stephanie Pilato, Senior Director, Finance and Contract Management, National Council on Aging

Center for Benefits Access

Tue, Jun 7 at 11:00 am EDT
It Takes a Village: Engaging a County Fall Prevention Coalition During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Watch Session

Falls are a public health crisis that impacts older adults, their families, and the community at large.  A community based public health strategy can decrease the burden on health systems, ensure equitable access to prevention resources, and improve outcomes for older adults.  This session will describe a county-wide initiative to engage health care, government, public health, and emergency medical services in fall prevention in a diverse community in Wisconsin.  It will also describe the journey to establish a county fall prevention coalition and the challenges encountered in maintaining and growing the coalition’s impact during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The session will describe strategies utilized to respond in real-time to the changing community needs regarding fall prevention, strategies to successfully engage members through virtual platforms, and creating an outreach strategy that navigated restrictions in directly interacting with older adults and the community at large.

Ann Gallo, Senior Service Program Coordinator, Advocate Aurora Health

Suzanne Ryer, Senior Project Coordinator; Senior Services, Advocate Aurora Health


Simona Eldridge, Staff, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 11:00 am EDT
Center for Benefits Access: Plenary/Interactive Session on Equity

Watch Session

Last year, the Administration for Community Living worked with the Center to conduct a baseline assessment that examined outcomes and experiences of people of color and other underserved groups served by the BECs. After reviewing key findings from this assessment, we will break into smaller groups to discuss successes and challenges in meeting the needs of specific populations.

Maggie Flowers MPS, SHIP/MIPPA Program Manager, Administration for Community Living, US Department of Health and Human Services


Erin Kee McGovern, Director of Programs, Center for Benefits Access, National Council on Aging

Angela Bonham, Program Associate, Center for Benefits Access, National Council on Aging

Brandy Bauer, Director, Center for Benefits Access, National Council on Aging

Ann Kayrish, Senior Program Manager for Medicare, National Council on Aging

Senior Center Resource Center

Tue, Jun 7 at 11:00 am EDT
Leo Laks Celebrating Senior Center Excellence

Watch Session

Join us as we celebrate Senior Centers together! Featuring Accreditation Awards, Best Practice Awards Winners, and our Founders Award Winner.



Elizabeth Bernat, Roper St. Francis Healthcare, Lowcountry Senior Center Executive Director

Jill Hall, Division Chief & Acting Nutrition Program Manager Senior Centers and Community Services, Baltimore County Department of Aging

Tracey Colagrossi, Senior Center Director, Arlington Heights Senior Center

Malia Fox, Former Director, Winona Friendship Center

Josh Hodges, Chief Customer Officer, National Council on Aging


Dianne Stone, Associate Director of Network Development and Engagement, Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center and NISC, National Council on Aging

Senior Community Service Employment Program

Tue, Jun 7 at 11:00 am EDT
Topical Presentations from NCOA Subgrantees (By Invitation Only)


NCOA SCSEP grantees will learn about effective job seeking resources from SCSEP peers

Main Stage Plenaries

Tue, Jun 7 at 12:00 pm EDT
Ensuring Mental Health Care for All: Breaking Down Barriers to Access

Watch Session

More than ever, Americans are talking about the importance of mental health across the lifespan. But access to mental health services has not kept pace with the need, especially among communities of color, rural, and low-income older adults. Discussion will include what must change to make access to mental health care an integral facet of aging well for all.

Deborah Steinburg, J.D., Health Policy Attorney, Legal Action Center

Joel Miller, M.S. Ed., Chair, National Coalition of Mental Health and Aging

Alex Graf, Legislative Assistant, Health Care Subcommittee Chairwoman Stabenow, Senate Finance Committee Majority Staff Director

Cheryl Woodson, Principal, Dr. Cheryl E. Woodson, LLC

Tue, Jun 7 at 1:00 pm EDT
Making Medicare Work for Low-Income Seniors

Watch Session

Since 1965, Americans have depended on Medicare to meet their health care needs in retirement. For low-income individuals, it's an even more critical lifeline. Improvements are needed to shore up the program's promise to those who have trouble affording Medicare's cost-sharing requirements. Hear how the Administration is prioritizing this population, what fixes are being debated in Washington, and what organizations are doing on the ground to meet low-income Medicare beneficiaries' needs.

Rep. Lisa Blunt-Rochester (D-DE), U.S. House of Representatives

Vicki Dufrene, Director, Senior Health Insurance Information Program, Louisiana

Tim Engelhardt, Director, Senior Health Insurance Information Program, Louisiana

Howard Bedlin, Government Relations & Advocacy Principal, National Council on Aging

Aisha Williams, MBA, MPP, Senior Director, Economic Security and Benefits, National Council on Aging

Partner Spotlight: Nationwide

Tue, Jun 7 at 2:00 pm EDT
The XX Factor: How to future-proof your advisory business by serving women

Watch Session

As they prepare for and live in retirement, women are faced with unique challenges related to Social Security, health care and long-term care. Explore the changing landscape within this demographic and walk away with actionable insights to better serve your female clients and strengthen your advisory business.

Suzanne Ricklin, MBA, VP Retirement Solutions Sales, Nationwide Retirement Institute

Partner Spotlight: SecureSenior Connections

Tue, Jun 7 at 2:30 pm EDT
Deploying the Virtual Hybrid Model to Senior Centers

Watch Session

SecureSenior Connections Partner Spotlight


Mike Weissel, CEO


Seth Smiley, Director of Partnerships

Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging

Roundtable Discussion

Tue, Jun 7 at 2:30 pm EDT
NCOA Equity in Aging Collaborative


NCOA is leading a meeting of its new Equity In Aging Collaborative, a coalition of national and local organizations that is advocating for a better way to measure the true cost of living as Americans age.

Education Sessions

Tue, Jun 7 at 3:30 pm EDT
Opening Doors to Aging Services: To Know Us Is To Love Us

Watch Session

The aging services sector has never been more important to the lives of Americans, as our population grows older and the number of family caregivers shrinks. Many families struggle to meet the needs of the older adults they love—because they don’t understand the array of support that the aging service sector offers.   LeadingAge’s new Opening Doors to Aging Services initiative provides first-of-its-kind research, communications strategies, tested messages, audience insights, and tools to effectively introduce our sector to millions of Americans. Participants will learn the key factors influencing public perception, the findings that support the strategy, as well as the research-based strategies and messages to effectively inform the public.

Susan Donley, Senior Vice President, Communications and Marketing, LeadingAge


Jean Van Ryzin, Senior Director, Communications, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 3:30 pm EDT
Reducing Isolation: AAA and Senior Center Partnerships to Foster Social Engagement and Connection

Watch Session

Maintaining social connections can help foster engagement, reduce social isolation and improve well-being and quality of life. Area Agencies on Aging and senior centers offer a variety of social engagement opportunities that help older adults remain connected with others in their communities. Join the National Institute of Senior Centers, engAGED: The National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adults and LOCAL SPEAKER(S) TBD for a session focused on AAA and senior center partnerships to provide social engagement and connections for older adults. This session will highlight the benefits of social engagement, spotlight examples of AAA and senior center partnerships to offer social engagement, and provide practical approaches, strategies and tips to help AAAs and senior centers collaborate to reach more older adults with social engagement opportunities.

Irene Jisun Sohn, Executive Director, Hanul Family Alliance

Dianne Stone, Associate Director of Network Development and Engagement, Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center and NISC, National Council on Aging

Meredith Hanley, Director of Community Capacity Building, USAging

Robert Mapes, Director of Programs and Community Support, AgeOptions

Amy Krause, Director of Marketing and Communications, North Shore Senior Center


Stephanie Pilato, Senior Director, Finance and Contract Management, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 3:30 pm EDT
Collaborating for a Defined Purpose: Social Connectedness, Equity and Aging in Central New York

Watch Session

The Greater Syracuse Aging Services Coalition is a new initiative focused on increasing social connectedness, equity and access for older adults in Onondaga County. In this workshop, learn how this coalition is addressing social isolation through building relationships and strategic partnerships. Learn how Results Based Accountability methods were used to develop a community Action Plan and the importance of consistently using a DEI lens throughout the process to ensure community needs are deeply understood.  Learn from our journey the action steps necessary to ensure the right voices are present and heard; the importance of slowing down, listening to understand and building a culture of belonging; how to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts remain front and center throughout the process; and ensuring root causes are identified and future steps focus on those causes and align with community voices and experiences.

Lori Klivak, PhD, Director of Senior Services, InterFaith Works of CNY

Marissa Saunders, Founder/Consultant, Essential Conceptions Consulting

Jennifer Ackley, Program Director, Vera House, Inc.


Jessica Duryea, Staff, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 3:30 pm EDT
Aging Services & Accessibility: Moving Beyond Ramps and Grab Bars

Watch Session

When addressing accessibility, aging services traditionally focus on the physical or environmental barriers faced by persons served. True organizational change, however, challenges the field to look “beyond ramps and grab bars,” for all stakeholders including clients/residents, personnel, volunteers and others. Accessibility planning empowers organizations to take an increasingly holistic approach including: financial, attitudinal, communication, employment, and other barriers encountered by these diverse stakeholder groups. From its disproportionate impact upon older adults and their caregivers, to the need to wear masks and social distance; the COVID-19 pandemic has only further exacerbated many of these obstacles and created an increased sense of urgency across aging services providers to respond. Replicable examples and templates from providers implementing a comprehensive approach to accessibility planning will be shared along with illustrations of remediating and eliminating barriers.

Tish Rudnicki, Executive Director, North Shore Senior Center

Jed Johnson, Managing Director - Aging Services, CARF International


Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 3:30 pm EDT
Increasing Quality of Life Through Community Mobility: Technology Options

Watch Session

Community mobility can be essential for quality of life, impacting physical, mental, and emotional health. This session will provide an overview of community mobility options for adults. This will include exploring share-riding services, public transportation, and adaptive equipment and technology options, as well as community resources. The pros and cons of each service and device will be discussed. Case studies and time for problem-solving will be provided.

Megan Edwards Collins, PhD, OTR/L, CAPS, CFPS,, Associate Professor WSSU OT Department, Winston Salem State University


Simona Eldridge, Staff, National Council on Aging

Senior Community Service Employment Program

Tue, Jun 7 at 3:30 pm EDT
Revisiting GPMS (By Invitation Only)


NCOA SCSEP grantees will receive continued training on the new GPMS system.

Education Sessions

Tue, Jun 7 at 4:30 pm EDT
Promoting Economic Security for Seniors An Overview of New, Non-Medical Benefits in Medicare Advantage

Watch Session

This session will highlight services available to help meet long-term care and social needs through recent benefit flexibilities available in Medicare Advantage (MA). The session will describe these new authorities, what benefits are available in MA plans, details on what these benefits look like, how SHIPs are educating Medicare beneficiaries about these benefits, and highlight benefit trends, growth, and opportunities for CBOs to partner with MA plans.

Christina Wu, Research & Policy Director, Long-Term Quality Alliance (LTQA)

Tyler Cromer, Principal, ATI Advisory


Brandy Bauer, Director, Center for Benefits Access, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 4:30 pm EDT
How Community Health Workers Improve Vaccine Confidence among Hispanic/Latino Older Adults

Watch Session

Community Health Workers are trusted members of their community who empower their peers through education and connections to health and social resources. This session will provide an introduction to the Community Health Worker (CHW) profession and how CHWs are instrumental in connecting with hard-to-reach populations. Hispanic older adults have experienced hesitancy around getting lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines, often due to a mistrust in health and government agencies and misinformation from peers. Mistrust often stems from a dark history of unethical government and medical practices. Community Health Workers (CHWs) help increase knowledge and address their concerns to build confidence in vaccines. They do this through building trusting relationships, providing health education and connections to health and social resources. Presenters will discuss strategies CHWs/other professions may use to boost vaccine confidence in the Hispanic/Latino community and other marginalized groups.

Shannon Patrick, MPH, Health Strategy Specialist, MHP Salud


Anya Cooke, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 4:30 pm EDT
The Center at Belvedere Transforming Senior Centers

Watch Session

The 50+ population is booming and changing in multiple and dramatic ways. Senior community centers must change to remain the vital resources our communities need. The Center at Belvedere in Charlottesville, VA is a new community center focused on healthy aging and open to all ages. Situated on six acres in a multi-generation and multi-use neighborhood, the 47,000 square foot Center features a physical fitness wing, 380-seat performing arts auditorium, art studio, lifelong learning wing, multiple indoor and outdoor social spaces, a Greenberry’s Coffee Café, and a primary care clinic operated by the local community hospital. This session will describe how The Center synchronized a new vision with architectural design, branding, community partnerships, and program delivery to transform how it meets its healthy aging mission while serving as a community hub.

Peter Thompson, Executive Director, The Center

Douglas Gallow, Senior Center and Universal Design Specialist, Lifespan Design Studio LLC


Simona Combi, Public Relations Manager, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 4:30 pm EDT
Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance of Evidence-based Fall Prevention Programs

Watch Session

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has awarded over $24 million to support the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based fall prevention programs. Using the RE-AIM (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance) framework, we describe adoption, implementation, and maintenance aspects of evidence-based falls prevention programs. Forty-four grantees spanning 31 states receiving 60 grants from September 2014 to December 2019 contributed to the data repository. We present 1) characteristics of sites and older adults who participated in the programs (adoption); 2) the percentage, characteristics, and outcomes of older adults who completed the programs (implementation); and 3) the number of recurring program offerings by site (maintenance). Information on adoption, implementation and maintenance can be used by sites to identify programs best suited for their clientele and for implementation of other programs going forward.

Jennifer Tripken, Ed.D., CHES, Associate Director, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

Gardenia Juarez, MA, Student, Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Jennifer Brach, PhD, PT, FAPTA, Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development, University of Pittsburgh


Michelle Mai, Senior Program Associate, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 4:30 pm EDT
Knowledge Is Power: Understanding Key Health Plan Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Drivers

Watch Session

This session will provide insight to CBO leaders about key healthcare quality assurance and  and performance improvement drivers for health plans to utilize in the development of their contracting strategies. It will also feature interactive  discussion about how to create crosswalks between health plan quality needs and CBO services.

Paul Cantrell, President, ClearView Strategies, LLC

Sharon Williams, Consultant, Williams Jaxon Consulting


Sean Thomas, Manager of Executive Operations, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 4:30 pm EDT
Innovative Mental Health Initiatives to Address Barriers and Improve the Lives of Diverse Elders

Watch Session

The pandemic crisis has highlighted the inequity of service provision for vulnerable older adults. Mental health needs have become even more apparent, and this has led to new opportunities. This presentation will highlight innovative models in the delivery of virtual mental health services to those victims of elder abuse and crime and those older adults most impacted by COVID-19 who have been living in the hardest hit and most underserved communities within NYC. These successful models can be replicated in other communities who work with diverse older adult populations.


Dr. Tobi Abramson, PhD, Director, Geriatric Mental Health, NYC Department for the Aging

Dr. Jackie Berman, PhD, Senior Director, Research, New York City Department for the Aging


Ann Kayrish, Senior Program Manager for Medicare, National Council on Aging

Grantee Network Gathering

Tue, Jun 7 at 5:30 pm EDT
Networking Gathering- ACL Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Grantees

Join the Session Here (Password Required)


This grantee networking session is designed to give you the opportunity to interact with your fellow CDSME grantees. We encourage you to come to the session with 1 success/best practice and 1 challenge you have experienced in the past year to share based around any of these topics: Virtual vs. in person programming, Technology, Staffing, and Engagement of partners and/or participants.


ACL Staff: Lesha Spencer-Brown

NCOA Staff: Katie Zuke

Tue, Jun 7 at 5:30 pm EDT
Networking Gathering- ACL Falls Prevention Grantees

Join the Session Here (Password Required)


This grantee networking session is designed to give you the opportunity to interact with your fellow Falls Prevention grantees. We encourage you to come to the session with 1 success/best practice and 1 challenge you have experienced in the past year to share based around any of these topics: Virtual vs. in person programming, Technology, Staffing, and Engagement of partners and/or participants.


ACL Staff: Donna Bethge

NCOA Staff: Jennifer Tripken

Tue, Jun 7 at 5:30 pm EDT
Networking Gathering- Senior Centers

Join the Session Here


This networking session is designed to give you the opportunity to interact with your fellow Senior Center professionals. We encourage you to come to the session with 1 success/best practice and 1 challenge you have experienced in the past year to share based around any of these topics: Virtual vs. in person programming, funding, marketing, technology, staffing, and engagement of partners and/or participants.


NCOA Staff: 

West Coast Prime Time

Tue, Jun 7 at 6:00 pm EDT
The Sixth Wish - Culturally Sensitive Advance Medical Care Planning Considerations for the LGBTQ+ Community

Watch Session

Our LGBTQ+ elders, whether in group housing or care situations or living independently, face many unique challenges in putting together their individual Advance Medical Care Plans. This session will be a guided discussion of the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ elders and potential solutions that can be implemented by community-based organizations. In addition to many identified challenges this population faces--such as a lack of culturally informed providers; inequities in document formatting and document preparation; and limited knowledge regarding LGBTQ+ Advance Medical Care Planning--queer people also face a significant obstacle in identifying appropriate persons to act as agents/powers of attorney. Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to learn some tailored tools to serve this community, as well as have an opportunity to discuss possible solutions to problems they face in their own agencies and local communities and brainstorm around solving problems that are still unresolved.


Erin Russ, Program Coordinator, Southern Arizona Senior Pride


Jean Van Ryzin, Senior Director, Communications, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 6:00 pm EDT
Building a Network Lead Entity: Practical Lessons from Florida

Watch Session

Join ElderSource, a AAA in northeastern Florida, as they share their journey to establish a network lead entity (NLE) for their state and facilitate a brief discussion to address potential challenges you may face if building an NLE. The NLE will present a single point of contact for developing contracts with commercial health care payers and providers to deliver key services related to social determinants of health. Presenters will share the unique needs for building an NLE in Florida, including regulatory challenges, engaging a diverse set of stakeholders, and rallying providers to create a statewide network. The workshop will challenge attendees to identify creative solutions to potential challenges AAAs face when designing and building an NLE framework.


Lance Robertson, Director, Guidehouse

Mark Tellier, Executive Director, Medicaid Management Services, Inc. (ElderSource)


Simona Eldridge, Staff, National Council on Aging

Tue, Jun 7 at 6:00 pm EDT
Caring for Native Elders - Let's Share Best Practices!

Watch Session

The aim of this workshop is to provide insight into the perspectives of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) elders. Their world view is different and like all older adults, their past impacts their present. This lifespan perspective can help to build your skills in serving Native elders as you develop relationships and trust. Learn how other communities have found good ways to interact and explore ways you can start the conversation. Together let’s find ways to make meaningful personal connections with Native elders. We can support them in aging with dignity and discover practical ways to interact and build positive relationships. Many in the audience will have thoughtful suggestions and your wisdom and insights can only enrich the discussion.


Rebecca Owl Morgan, Project Coordinator, National Indian Council on Aging


Xavier Vaughn, Program Manager of Medicare, AARP
