Webinars and Convenings
Find upcoming and archived webinars and convenings for Older Americans Act Title III-D staff. Events will focus on successful strategies, lessons learned, and challenges around implementing evidence-based health promotion programs.
Join us by clicking "Watch Session" below on the date and time of the convening.
Wed, Jan 15 at 3:00 pm EST
OAA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Title III-D Program Basics and Best Practices
This webinar will provide an update on features and resources on NCOA Connect’s Older Americans Act Title III-D Community. The Administration for Community Living (ACL) will provide an overview of OAA Title III-D program basics (including appropriate use of funds), respond to submitted questions related to Title III-D, and introduce a new resource, the Older Americans Act Title III-D Evidenced-Based Health Promotion Programs Monitoring Tool, for use by State Units on Aging (SUAs) and Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). We will close out with peer sharing and discussion of best practices and strategies for successful Title III-D and evidence-based program implementation.

Kathryn Zahm, MPA, PMP, Director, Health Promotion Programs
Patricia Keane, National Nutritionist
Katherine Shavo, Nutritionist
Wed, Oct 16 at 3:00 pm EDT
OAA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Strategic Collaboration with Area Agencies on Aging and Other Partners to Address Community Needs
State Unit on Aging (SUA) leads are invited to attend this convening to share and learn from each other how the Title IIID programs are prioritized, how SUAs collaborate with Area Agencies on Aging or other entities and partners to implement the selected evidence-based programs and sustain the program delivery infrastructure. We will also explore best practices SUAs use to ensure EBPs reaching underserved populations with the greatest social and greatest economic needs.

Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging
Melissa Donegan, LSW, Director, Healthy Living Center of Excellence
Wed, Jul 17 at 3:00 pm EDT
OAA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Tribal Elder Outreach Strategies with ACL Resource Centers
Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging
Kathryn Braun,
Britteny M. Howell, Ph.D., CPG, CDP®, RYT, Co-Director, National Resource Center for Alaska Native Elders
Cole Ward, M.A., Outreach Coordinator
Wed, Apr 17 at 3:00 pm EDT
OAA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Findings of SUA Survey of Title III-D EBP Delivery
Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging
Lesha Spencer-Brown MPH, CPH, PMP (she/her), Aging Services Program Specialist, Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs
Angelica Herrera-Venson, DrPH, MPH, Associate Director, Data Management & Evaluation
Wed, Jan 17 at 3:00 pm EST
SUA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Program Basics and Requirements
Topic: OAA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Program Basics and Requirements
This webinar will provide updates from the Administration for Community Living on Older Americans Act Title III-D relating to guidance on reporting requirements, review of III-D allowable costs, ACL-approved Evidence-Based program listing, and review of the III-D online community where states can access best practices, strategies, and resources to implement evidence-based programs.
Discussion Questions:
- What types of technical assistance related to use of funds and program reporting would be helpful for you, as SUA TIIID Coordinators, in supporting you and your AAAs?
Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging
Lesha Spencer-Brown MPH, CPH, PMP (she/her), Aging Services Program Specialist, Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs
Shannon Skowronski, Social Science Analyst , Office of Performance and Evaluation
Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 3:00 pm EDT
SUA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Recruiting Program Leaders to Deliver Evidence-Based Programming
State Unit on Aging leads are invited to attend this convening and participate in a discussion focused on recruiting program leaders to deliver evidence-based programming. You will also hear from an ACL Chronic Disease Self- Management Education grantee about strategies they have successfully implemented to engage new leaders and partner with their State Unit on Aging. Additional resources to support program leader recruitment will be shared and an overview of the OAA TIIID Connect site will be provided.
Discussion Questions:
- What support do you provide your AAAs to increase recruitment efforts and engagement of program leaders?
- What strategies have your AAAs implemented that have been successful in recruiting leaders for evidence-based programming?
- What continues to be a challenge recruiting and engaging leaders? What opportunities and solutions could arise from these challenges?
- What types of technical assistance from NCOA would be helpful for you, as SUA TIIID Coordinators, in supporting your AAAs?
Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging
Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 3:00 pm EDT
SUA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Engaging Rural and Homebound Older Adults in Evidence-Based Programming
State Unit on Aging leads are invited to attend this convening and participate in a discussion focused on engaging rural and homebound older adults in evidence-based programming. You will also hear from several SUAs and an ACL Falls Prevention grantee about how they engage rural and homebound populations. Additional resources to support engagement of rural populations will be shared and an overview of the OAA TIIID Connect site will be provided.
Discussion Questions:
i. What support do you provide your AAAs to increase engagement with older adults in rural areas, other populations that are unable to join an in-person program?
ii. What programs have you offered in rural communities that yielded high engagement? What strategies did your AAAs implement that have been successful in engaging rural and homebound older adults in evidence-based programming?
iii. How do you engage participants that are unable to join an in-person program?
iv. What continues to be a challenge engaging this population group? What opportunities and solutions could arise from these challenges?

Michelle Mai, Senior Program Associate
Karla Crazer,
Abby Gramlick-Mueller,
Kristi Crawford,
Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 3:00 pm EDT
OAA Title IIID Coordinator Convening: Supporting Capacity for Program Facilitators and Participants
Title III-D coordinators are invited to join this convening and participate in a discussion with peers around supporting facilitator and participant capacity in evidence-based programming. Additional resources around capacity building will be shared and an overview of the OAA Title III-D Community will be provided.
Please be prepared to share your experience with the following discussion questions:
- Do any SUAs partner with a CBO that serves as a hub to coordinate the delivery of evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programs? If so, what are the pros and cons of using this approach? What successes have been achieved?
- How do AAAs and other CBOs in your state collaborate around program licensing, leader training, program promotion, and other aspects of EBP delivery and sustainability?
- What are the biggest challenges AAAs in your state are experiencing around facilitator and volunteer capacity?
- What support has your SUA provided to AAAs to assist with participant recruitment and capacity?
Michelle Mai, Senior Program Associate
Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 3:00 pm EST
Current Landscape of Title III-D Programming and Activities
Title III-D coordinators are invited to join this convening and participate in a discussion with peers about the current landscape within the state around evidence-based programming, including the State Unit on Aging (SUA) role in the delivery and sustainability of these programs. An overview of the new webpage for OAA Title III-D will be provided.
Michelle Mai, Senior Program Associate
Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 3:00 pm EDT
OAA Title IIID Coordinator Convening: Program Selection Process
OAA Title III-D coordinators are invited to join a peer discussion on best practices for selecting evidence-based programs for delivery using Title IIID funds. Two states will share their processes for reviewing and approving programs not in the NCOA Pre-Approved Program Database. In addition, an online one-stop shop for OAA Title IIID resources, FAQs, etc. will be deputed (https://connect.ncoa.org/older-americans-act-title-iii-d).
Kathleen Zuke, MPH (she/her), Director, Center for Healthy Aging
Jordana McLeod,
Dennis J. McGowan, Manager, Area Agencies on Aging Administration
Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 1:00 pm EDT
OAA Title IIID Coordinator Convening
This webinar will provide updates from the Administration for Community Living on Older Americans Act Title III-D, identify best practices, strategies, and resources to help states and their partners administrator and implement these programs, and provide coordinators an opportunity to engage in discussion with your peers about current successes, challenges, and opportunities.
Watch the webinar and access the key takeaways in the handouts.
Shannon Skowronski (she/her), Team Lead, Administration on Aging
Michelle Mai, Senior Program Associate
Kathleen Zuke, MPH (she/her), Director, Center for Healthy Aging
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