OAA Title IIID Coordinator Convening: Program Selection Process

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OAA Title III-D coordinators are invited to join a peer discussion on best practices for selecting evidence-based programs for delivery using Title IIID funds. Two states will share their processes for reviewing and approving programs not in the NCOA Pre-Approved Program Database. In addition, an online one-stop shop for OAA Title IIID resources, FAQs, etc. will be deputed (https://connect.ncoa.org/older-americans-act-title-iii-d).

Kathleen Zuke, MPH (she/her)

Director, Center for Healthy Aging

National Council on Aging

Kathleen Zuke was privileged to grow up with eight loving grandparents and developed a passion for supportive services for older adults as a caregiver for her grandfather. She has been a Senior Program Manager with the Center for Healthy Aging since 2015. In this role, she works collaboratively with community-based partners across the country to identify, implement, and sustain evidence-based programs that support older adults in staying well and aging in the community, including chronic disease self-management education, falls prevention, and behavioral health. She has a Master’s degree in Public Health from Hunter College and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

Jordana McLeod

Missouri State Unit on Aging

Jordanna McLeod has worked with the Missouri State Unit on Aging since July of 2020 and is coordinating the Missouri State Plan on Aging. Within the unit, she provides technical assistance for title IIID, nutrition, and legal assistance programs. Jordanna is currently working on her MPH with a specialization in nutrition.

Dennis J. McGowan

Manager, Area Agencies on Aging Administration

New Jersey Division of Aging Services

Since December 2021, Dennis has managed of the Office of Area Agencies on Aging Administration within the New Jersey Division of Aging Services. He previously led the office unit responsible for community resources, education and wellness programming, and is a master trainer of several evidence-based health promotion programs.


OAA Title IIID Coordinator Convening: Program Selection Process
10/11/2022 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 10/11/2022
10/11/2022 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 10/11/2022
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