Older Americans Act Title III-D Resources
Evidence-Based Program Selection
List of Evidence-Based Programs
Access the list of evidence-based programs that meet ACL criteria.
Evidence-Based Program Search ToolView the evidence-based program search tool.You must log in to access content.
Frequently Asked Questions
Older Americans_FAQS_Title III-D Coordinators
See frequently asked questions from other Title III-D coordinators.
OAA Title III-D Monitoring Tool
Older Americans Act Title III-D Evidenced-Based Health Promotion Programs Monitoring Tool
This template can be used by state units on aging (SUA) and area agencies on aging (AAA) to record monitoring activities of Title III-D evidenced-based health promotion programs (EBP) service providers. This tool is based on the Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965, as amended on March 25, 2020; OAA regulations; and best practices. Using this tool is voluntary. The form may be tailored with SUA- or AAA-specific requirements or used as a guide to create a custom monitoring tool.
Fidelity Evaluation of ACL’s Evidence-Based Programs
Fidelity Evaluation of ACL’s Evidence-Based Programs
Read the final report of fidelity evaluation of ACL’s evidence-based programs.
Fidelity Evaluation Appendices
View the appendices from the fidelity evaluation of ACL’s evidence-based programs.
Introduction to Older Americans Act Title III-D & Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs
Introduction to Older Americans Act Title III-D & Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs
Access the slide deck.
OAA Title III-D Data Reporting Resources
OAA Title III-D ReportThis site is for OAA Title III-D grantees to access data reports.You must log in to access content.
Remote/Virtual Resources
Resource Guide: Remote Delivery of Evidence-based ProgramsThis resource guide compiles best practices, whether you are just starting out remotely or looking for ways to refine current practices.You must log in to access content.
Tracking Health Promotion Program Guidance During COVID-19Keep track of the updates coming from individual programs, including whether it's feasible to continue implementation or if telehealth options have been put in place.You must log in to access content.
Leader Training
Best Practices Toolkit: Delivery Infrastructure and CapacityExplore resources developed by state and community-based organizations across the country, including sample applications, screening tools, volunteer manuals, memorandum of understanding, newsletters, and more.You must log in to access content.
Best Practices Toolkit: Quality AssuranceFind sample quality assurance plans, data collection checklists, fidelity monitoring templates, and evaluation tools.You must log in to access content.
Marketing & Recruitment
Best Practices Toolkit: Marketing and RecruitmentCheck out sample marketing materials from organizations across the country to inspire your own posters, brochures, infographics, videos, and more.You must log in to access content.
Tip Sheet: Offering Chronic Disease Self-Management Education in Rural AreasChronic Disease Self-Management Education in Rural AreasYou must log in to access content.
Program Sustainability Resources
Best Practices Toolkit: Leadership and ManagementOrganizations across the country have taken different approaches to leveraging statewide partnerships to implement and sustain evidence-based programs. Learn more about possible leadership and management strategies.You must log in to access content.
Best Practices Toolkit: Business Planning and SustainabilityExplore sample sustainability toolkits, business plans, and presentations to help inspire next steps in your region.You must log in to access content.
Upcoming Webinars and Convenings
Find upcoming and archived webinars and convenings for Older Americans Act Title III-D staff. Events will focus on successful strategies, lessons learned, and challenges around implementing evidence-based health promotion programs.
Wed, Jan 18 at 3:00 pm EST
Current Landscape of Title III-D Programming and Activities
Title III-D coordinators are invited to join this convening and participate in a discussion with peers about the current landscape within the state around evidence-based programming, including the State Unit on Aging (SUA) role in the delivery and sustainability of these programs. An overview of the new webpage for OAA Title III-D will be provided.
Michelle Mai, Senior Program Associate
County Health Rankings & Road Maps
National AHEC Organization
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