SUA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Engaging Rural and Homebound Older Adults in Evidence-Based Programming

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State Unit on Aging leads are invited to attend this convening and participate in a discussion focused on engaging rural and homebound older adults in evidence-based programming. You will also hear from several SUAs and an ACL Falls Prevention grantee about how they engage rural and homebound populations. Additional resources to support engagement of rural populations will be shared and an overview of the OAA TIIID Connect site will be provided.

Discussion Questions:

i.   What support do you provide your AAAs to increase engagement with older adults in rural areas, other populations that are unable to join an in-person program?

ii.   What programs have you offered in rural communities that yielded high engagement?  What strategies did your AAAs implement that have been successful in engaging rural and homebound older adults in evidence-based programming?

iii.   How do you engage participants that are unable to join an in-person program?

iv.   What continues to be a challenge engaging this population group? What opportunities and solutions could arise from these challenges? 



Michelle Mai

Senior Program Associate

National Council on Aging

Michelle Mai, MPH is the Senior Program Associate with the Center for Healthy Aging. She brings experience conducting outreach increasing public health education within the community. In this role with NCOA, she provides technical assistance to chronic disease self-management education and falls prevention grantees, striving to help them reach their grant goals as they implement evidence based programs into their community. Michelle received her Master’s degree in Public Health and Bachelor’s degree in Community Health from George Mason University.

Karla Crazer

Sanford Health

Abby Gramlick-Mueller

Sanford Health

Kristi Crawford

Sanford Health


SUA Title III-D Coordinator Convening: Engaging Rural and Homebound Older Adults in Evidence-Based Programming
07/19/2023 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
07/19/2023 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes