The Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER) is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to help women better understand the unique challenges they face planning for retirement and provide the information, tools and resources needed to help them build a stronger financial future. We do this through our publications, programs, and workshops. WISER's resources cover a range of financial topics: Saving & Investing, Social Security, Retirement Planning, Caregiving, Divorce, Widowhood, Healthcare, and Financial Fraud & Scams.
For more than 25 years, WISER has operated the National Resource Center on Women and Retirement in cooperation with ACL's Administration on Aging.
We are proud to have NCOA as one of our partners through the Center.
Thank you for visiting WISER's virtual exhibit! We are excited to be here for you as both a professional and personal resource. Please reach out with any questions or to learn more about our programs and materials.
Check out WISER’s newest online tool, the Financial Caregiving Hub.
Caregivers often take on caregiving responsibilities with little notice or preparation. While caregiving can be a rewarding responsibility, it can also have significant financial consequences for both the caregiver and care recipient. It’s a one-stop clearinghouse for information, tools, and resources to help family caregivers.
Financial Steps for Caregivers: What You Need to Know About Protecting Your Money and RetirementThis guide looks at the financial challenges facing today’s family caregiver and provides information, tips and resources for helping caregivers keep their own finances on track while caring for someone else. Included in the guide is a budget worksheet that factors in many of the out-of-pocket costs of care.You must log in to access content.
Going It Alone: A Guide for WidowsWomen are three times more likely to experience the death of a spouse than men. For many women, widowhood means taking on and making important decisions about current and future financial, legal, and personal matters at a particularly difficult time. WISER’s step-by-step guide will help with navigating the immediate financial challenges and making long-term plans for your future financial security.You must log in to access content.
Five Questions to Ask Your Mother or GrandmotherToo often, older women live out their retirement years trying to stretch modest incomes to meet the increasing costs of health care, housing, and day-to-day expenses. Use these "5 Questions to Ask Your Mother or Grandmother" to spark conversation so that you can both feel more informed and secure.You must log in to access content.
Protecting Your Income: Tips for SeniorsEveryone is subject to fraudulent scams and con games. Because older adults are frequently targeted, it is important for them to be aware of the frauds and scams that threaten their financial security.You must log in to access content.
4 Social Security Mistakes to AvoidSocial Security is an important benefit, especially for women. It is never too early to start understanding Social Security benefits for both you and your loved ones. The more you learn now, the less likely you are to make costly mistakes in the future.You must log in to access content.
Divorce and Retirement: How to Take Control of Retirement BenefitsIn the midst of divorce, the emotional toll is hard enough to manage along with the many practical issues. Retirement funds may be among the biggest assets you have as a couple, and it is important to know that these funds are not automatically split in a divorce.You must log in to access content.
Your Future Paycheck: Minority Women and Retirement IncomePublished in conjunction with National Caucus and Center on Black Aging, Inc., and MANA, A National Latina Organization, this report demonstrates the many challenges minority women face when it comes to a secure retirement. The report contains data and highlights the need for long-term planning and financial education for women most at-risk for poverty in old age.You must log in to access content.
How WISER Can Help You
If there are specific WISER materials you would like to share with your agency, clients and their families, or your colleagues, please contact us for copies. We are also happy to share content if there is a topic or resource you would like to feature in a newsletter or other form of communication that your organization or agency distributes.
We hope you will visit us at wiserwomen.org to learn more, and please reach out with any questions or ideas about how we can support the work you are doing.
Thank you for all you do for seniors and their families in your communities!
Contact Information
- Lara Hinz,
- Director of Programs, WISER
- 1001 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 730, Washington, DC 20036
- 571-212-0695
- Lhinz@wiserwomen.org
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Be sure to look through the rest of the exhibit for more information about WISER!

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