About Us


At the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), we believe that Elder Abuse is preventable. Funded by the Administration for Community Living, we serve as a national resource center dedicated to empowering older adults and preventing elder mistreatment.  

By providing awareness tools, training, policy, and research updates, we hope to spread awareness of elder abuse as a critical and preventable issue in professional and public realms. Through our Listserv and Blog, we host a forum for those with a professional interest in the area of elder mistreatment through which they can share relevant news, events, and opportunities. Our social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow us to engage various audiences on elder abuse prevention.  

Like the NCEA, organizations, and professionals serving older adults play a significant role in preventing and addressing elder abuse. The NCEA has resources to help you raise elder abuse awareness and promote a better future for people of all ages, abilities, and capacities:

Reframing Elder Abuse project disseminates a new communications strategy that enhances public understandings on elder abuse.  

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is every June 15th. During WEAAD season, the NCEA offers tools and tips to unify our voices during this critical time of the year.  

Supports and Tools for Elder Abuse Prevention (STEAP) is composed of free, customizable and ready-to-use tools that can aid AAA’s in fostering action against elder abuse within their communities. STEAP’s outreach calendar also displays year-round opportunities for civic engagement. 

Strengthening the Structure of Justice to Prevent Elder Abuse

See the communication strategy in action in our reframed public service announcement!

Nursing Home Neglect: Preventing It and Getting Help: Laura Mosqueda, M.D.

Long-term care is or will be a fact of life for many of us and our loved ones as we age. We all deserve care – whether in the home or in a long-term care facility – that meets the highest of standards, enhancing quality of life and ensuring the protection of rights. Join us as we talk with national experts and advocates about strategies you can use in the pursuit of quality long-term care.

More Information!

Join Our Virtual Communities!

  • NCEA E-Newsletter: includes information on new research, noteworthy news pieces, policy issues, and training opportunities. The E-Newsletter is open to anyone who is interested in elder abuse issues.
  • Stay in Touch Listserv: The goal of the ElderAbuse listserv is to provide a forum for students and professionals who have a scholarly and/or professional interest in an area of elder mistreatment, neglect, and exploitation. Subscribers may either share or solicit pertinent news, events, and opportunities relevant to topic areas.

Get WEAAD Ready!

Contact Information

QR code for the Scavenger Hunt!

Be sure to look through the rest of the exhibit for more information about The National Center on Elder Abuse!
