OAMHAD Symposium Agenda - May 6, 2021

The OAMHAD Symposium will take place from 10:00 am until 5:15 pm EDT. Please note all session times listed below are listed based on your local time zone. To view sessions, click on the desired session title listed below, then click on the "View Session" button. Access to live sessions will begin 10 minutes prior to the start of the live session. 

Welcome and Opening Plenary

10:00 am EDT
Welcome and Opening Plenary

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Welcome and Call to Action from NCOA, ACL and SAMHSA


Ramsey Alwin, President & CEO, NCOA
Alison Barkoff, Acting Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging, ACL
Tom Coderre, Acting Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, SAMHSA

Opening Plenary: Ageism, Resilience and Older Adult Mental Health

Ageism creates additional barriers for older adults seeking behavioral health care and imposes a high individual and societal burden of worsened health outcomes and higher costs of care. Ashton Applewhite will speak about resilience and ageism as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by a discussant panel.  


Ashton Applewhite, Activist, Author
     "We Are All Aging - Let's End Ageism"


James Klasen, Mental Health Partnerships
Ellen Flaherty, PhD, MSN, APRN, Director, Dartmouth Centers for Heath & Aging


Kathleen Cameron, BSPharm, MPH, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

11:15 am EDT
BREAK: Hear Ashton Applewhite’s TedTalk

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Listen to the plenary speaker’s TedTalk to continue the conversation on ending ageism.

Spotlight Session

11:45 am EDT
Access to Behavioral Health in Diverse Older Adults

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A closer look at what access in mental health care services looks like from the perspective of the Native American, African American, Latinx and LGBTQ+ communities, including the impact of generational trauma and persistent systemic inequities. Each panelist will share one experiences and one solution or success. 


Jacqueline Gray, PhD, Associate Director/Research Associate Professor
University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences

Sandra Crewe, PhD, Dean and Professor of Social Work
Howard University

Bill Gross, Assistant Director of Special Programs

Yvette Lugo, LMSW, Director
Rio Grande Area Agency on Aging


Mary Roary, PhD, Director, Office of Behavioral Health Equity

12:45 pm EDT
BREAK: Learn more about the National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging

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The national coalition provides opportunities for professionals, consumers and government organizations to work together towards improving the availability and quality of mental health preventative and treatment strategies for older Americans and their families through education, research and increased public awareness.  

Website: http://www.ncmha.org/  

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

1:00 pm EDT
Perspectives on the Lived Experience of Mental Health

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Managing mental illness over the course of a lifetime looks different for everyone. Hear the lived experiences of two older adults managing mental health and substance use disorders, as well as challenges of providing unpaid care to family members, friends, and others. 

The views and opinions expressed in this session are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the hosts.


Karen Kangas, Older Adult Representative, Director of Recovery And Family Affairs
Hartford HealthCare

Nina Tumosa, PhD, Caregiver
Health Resources and Services Administration

David Hanson, Veteran
US Air Force


Lauren Pongan, National Director
Diverse Elders Coalition

1:00 pm EDT
Latest Interventions Related to Substance Use Disorders

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This session will highlight how the signs and symptoms of substance use disorders (e.g. alcohol, cannabis) may manifest differently in older adults, recommendations for person-centered care, and interactions between substance misuse and cognitive impairment. Information about TIP #26 will be shared along with how organizations can use the report in their own work.


Frederic C. Blow, PhD, Director, U-M Addiction Center
University of Michigan


Eric Weakly, Branch Chief
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

1:00 pm EDT
Addressing Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging: The E4 Center of Excellence

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Come engage, empower, and educate in a conversation with the E4 Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging! Opportunities for learning, partnering, and creating equity in behavioral health for older adults and their families will be discussed.


Robyn Golden, LCSW, Co-Director
E4 Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging

Erin Emery-Tiburcio, PhD, ABPP, Co-Director
E4 Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging


Joan Weiss, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN, Deputy Director, Division of Medicine and Dentistry
Health Resources and Services Administration

2:00 pm EDT
BREAK: Join us for a Mindful Moment

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Practice some breathing and meditation techniques with Michigan State University Extension.

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

2:15 pm EDT
Socialization and Engagement – What We Know Works

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COVID-19 has amplified the problem of social isolation, yet older adults have remained resilient. Presenters share what strategies they know work from a clinical and community perspective across settings, and what is next from the research.


Ipsit V. Vahia, MD, Medical Director, Institute for Technology in Psychiatry and Medical Director, Geriatric Psychiatry Outpatient Programs at McLean Hospital Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School

Kimberly A. Van Orden, PhD, Principal Investigator
The HOPE Lab

Diane Slezak, Founder & CEO


Sandy Markwood, Chief Executive Officer
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

2:15 pm EDT
Promising Practices and Funding Strategies from State Partnerships in Aging and Mental Health

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Georgia, Oregon, and New York share about innovate strategies and funding opportunities for aging and mental health partnerships.


Eve Byrd, DNP, MPH, Director, Mental Health Program
The Carter Center (Georgia)​

Nirmala Dhar, LCSW, Older Adult Behavioral Health Project Director
Oregon Health Authority - Health Systems Division

Kimberly Williams, President and CEO
Vibrant Emotional Health (New York)


Brian Hepburn, MD, Executive Director
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors

2:15 pm EDT
Perspectives on the Intersection of Mental Health & Pain Care for Older Adults

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Adults aged 65 and older are more likely to experience chronic pain than younger adults. Further, depression and other behavioral health conditions are highly prevalent conditions among those with chronic pain. This session presents varying perspectives on mental health and safe and effective pain care for older adults. This session’s distinguished panel represents physicians, nurses and pharmacists will discuss issues to consider and solutions at the intersection of mental health and pain.


Carmen Renee Green, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine; Professor of OB/GYN, School of Medicine; Professor of Health Management and Policy, School of Public Health
University of Michigan; Attending Physician Back and Pain Center; Michigan Medicine

Michelle Chui, Pharm.D., PhD, Hammel-Sanders Professor and Director, Sonderegger Research Center for Improved Medication Outcomes
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Deborah Kiley, DNP, ANP, NP-C, FNP-BC, FAANP, FNAP, Founder
Fearless Wellness

M. Cary Reid, MD, PhD, Irving Sherwood Wright Professor of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
Weill Cornell Medicine; Associate Attending Physician at New York-Presbyterian Hospital


Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director, Center for Healthy Aging
National Council on Aging



3:15 pm EDT
BREAK: Activity Break

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Get moving with a quick workout from Go 4 Life from the National Institute on Aging. 

You will need a stable chair and a towel. Hand weights or evenly weighted objects are optional. 

Closing Panel & Conference Wrap-Up

3:30 pm EDT
Federal Initiatives in Older Adult Mental Health and Conference Closing

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Federal Initiatives in Older Adult Mental Health

Representatives from Federal agencies will discuss current initiatives to address older adult mental health.


Brian Altman, JD, Deputy Director of the Administration on Aging, ACL 
Lisa C. McGuire, PhD, MA, Lead, Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging Program (AD+HAP), CDC
Shari Ling, MD, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, CMS
Joan Weiss, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN, Deputy Director, Division of Medicine and Dentistry, HRSA
Anne Mathews-Younes, Ed.D, Deputy Director, Center for Mental Health Services, SAMHSA
Michele J. Karel, PhD, National Mental Health Director, Geriatric Mental Health, Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Department of Veterans Affairs Central Office


Carter Blakey, Deputy Director, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Concluding Remarks


Ramsey Alwin, President & CEO, NCOA 
