About Us

Geri-Fit® is a tier III (highest level) evidence-based health promotion program and chronic disease self-management support program. Designed exclusively for older adults, Geri-Fit helps rebuild strength that's been lost through the aging process to help ensure a higher level of function as older adults continue to age.

The Geri-Fit® program requires a set of light dumbbell weights, a sturdy chair, a stretch band, and water to drink during the workout. There's no dancing, choreography or floorwork and both men and women can enroll. Geri-Fit is challenging, effective and very safe to do. Participants will literally turn back the hands of time each time they do the strength training workout and they will marvel at the results this program provides.

Becoming stronger isn't the only positive outcome that's achieved with Geri-Fit. Older adults will also see an improvement in balance and functional capacity which will help lessen their chance of falls. Other benefits are an improvement in activities of daily living such as carrying groceries, being able to get in and out of a car, standing up from a seated position, picking up a pet, walking up and down stairs, and just being able to walk freely again. A noticeable improvement will also be seen in mood. Most participants experience decreased anxiety and depression within just a few weeks after starting the Geri-Fit program.

For more information on how to get the Geri-Fit® "All Prevention" program offered at your senior center, YMCA, library, Meals on Wheels location, or faith-based organization, use the Contact Us link or call or text the number below. 1-888-GERI-FIT (1-888-437-4348.

Video Interview with Harvey, Arthur, Mary, Sally, and Ginny

The cast members of the Greatest Generation Workout DVD got together for an interview about Geri-Fit.  Here's what they had to say. 

Renaissance Village in Murrieta Calif Offers Geri-Fit to their Residents

Residents at Renaissance Village have been enjoying Geri-Fit for over six years.  The program has helped people regain mobility, range of motion, increase strength and improve well-being. 


Here's more information on the Geri-Fit program and how your agency, senior center, and congregate meal sites can become licensed hosting sites so that you can offer this evidence-based program.

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  • Program Summary 2023

    Questions and answers about the Geri-Fit Strength Training Fitness Program for Older Adults.

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  • Article by Carol Shaw -- Geri-Fit provides shower door results
    Jackie Knott of Southport Senior Center in North Carolina wrote a wonderful article about her Geri-Fit class and the "shower door results" she and others achieved while enrolled in the Geri-Fit program.
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  • More testimonials from participants and Program Director Steve Gwin
    Steve Gwin, Program Director for Area 5 in Logansport, Indiana, shares his testimonials from participants at his center as well as a few words himself.
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  • Long Term Program Outcomes
    This infograph shows the measurable outcomes that can be achieved with just 12 weeks of Geri-Fit.
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  • Marketing materials that come with the Geri-Fit license
    As part of the Geri-Fit license, we offer free marketing materials to help get your Geri-Fit program started. Here is a sample poster that you can display at your center.
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  • Published Studies on Geri-Fit
    Here is the list of published studies that have been done on the Geri-Fit strength training program for older adults.
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Geri-Fit in your community

Here's what a Geri-Fit class looks like whether online, DVD, or in person:Geri-Fit strength training workout for older adults

Contact Geri-Fit

Representative: Fran Fisher, Excutive Director
Contact Info: 1-888-GERI-FIT
Tucson, Arizona

Website: www.gerifit.com

We love to hear from our customers.  Please call or text: 



Geri-Fit Company LLC is a certified woman-owned small business (WOSB),
WBE-certified, D&B registered, an accredited CEU provider, and an approved government vendor.  This year celebrates our 27th year in business! 
Geri-Fit Company LLC
P.O. Box 87500
Tucson, AZ  85754 
Visit our LinkedIn page for the latest in company press releases, announcements of new products and partnerships, and study findings as they become available.


QR code for the Scavenger Hunt!

Be sure to look through the rest of the exhibit for more information about Geri-Fit!
