Peer Networking Groups

Participating in our Peer Networking Groups is easy. These peer groups are hosted as online collaborative meetings on NCOA Connect.   

Online communities are designed to bring senior center professionals who share an interest, need, situation or population. Select a group that aligns with your specific interests or needs. If you don’t see a group for you, suggest one!  

Register: Select the community meeting you want to join from the agenda. 

Engage: Attend meetings, start contributing to discussions, ask questions, and connect with your peers. The more active you are, the more you'll benefit from this community. 

Share Your Wisdom: Your unique experiences and insights are what make these groups valuable. Don't hesitate to share your knowledge and support your colleagues. 

State Associations

This community is for senior center professionals who are representatives of State Senior Center Associations.

Tue, Sep 24 at 3:00 pm EDT
Senior Center Peer Networking Group - State Association


Join senior center colleagues to talk about State Senior Center Associations in this peer networking opportunity . Whether you have a state association already or are interested in starting one, this is a chance to share experiences and best practices, ask and answer questions, and to get to know each other. Hosted by a peer moderator, this is an informal gathering. 


Dianne Stone, Associate Director of Network Development and Engagement, Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center and NISC

Lori Oertel, Older Adult and Volunteer Supervisor

New Construction and Major Renovations

This community is for senior center professionals who are involved in new construction and/or major renovations. 

Thu, Aug 29 at 12:00 am EDT
Senior Center Peer Networking Group - Construction


Join your colleagues to talk about construction or major renovations of their senior centers. Whether you are in the building or design phase, in approval or funding process, or dreaming of new spaces, this is and opportunity to share experiences and best practices, ask and answer questions, and to get to know each other. We also welcome colleagues who have completed construction or major renovations to share their experience! Hosted by a peer moderator, this is an informal gathering.


Dianne Stone, Associate Director of Network Development and Engagement, Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center and NISC

Jill Hall, NISC Chair