State-of-the-Art Processes for Co-Creating Great Services for Older Adults.
K3: Deep Dive: State-of-the-Art Processes for Co-Creating Great Services for Older Adults.
Senior centers and CBOs recognize that they need to transform their services and programs to fulfill their missions, attract more clients and generate additional funding. Learn from two very successful and experienced innovators the best practices they use to develop successful and scalable services and products for older adults. Learn about their biggest mistakes (and how to avoid them!) and what really works well.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Discuss state-of-the-art processes for going from a germ of an idea to successful, scalable and sustainable service or product for older adults.
- Explain and describe the optimal mix of in-depth interviews, focus groups, and surveys to develop the best possible product/service.
- Describe effective processes (in person and via zoom) for generating stakeholder buy-in, identifying key opportunities and barriers, and identifying next steps in the co-creation process.
Yoko Meusch, MA (Moderator)
Program Associate, Center for Healthy Aging
National Council on Aging
Yoko Meusch, MA, is a Program Associate for the Center for Healthy Aging at National Council on Aging. Yoko provides technical assistance to U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) grant-funded community-based organizations promoting and implementing evidence-based Falls Prevention and Chronic Disease Self-Management education programs. In addition, she is a program administrator for Aging Mastery Program®, an NCOA’s signature program for aging well.
Yoko holds a Bachelor's degree in Management Studies from the University of Maryland Global Campus and a Master's Degree in Health Communication from Johns Hopkins University.
James Firman MBA, Ed.D
Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer
BellAge Inc.
For more than 30 years, James Firman, EdD, has been a leading force for innovation in services, programs, and public policies for older persons. After 45 years of service in nonprofit and philanthropic organizations, including serving as NCOA CEO and President for 25 years, Firman recently co-founded BellAge Inc and BellAge Labs, social enterprises that are using artificial intelligence and machine learning to help millions of people across the world to age well.
Tony Ma
Benten Technologies
Tony Ma is a social entrepreneur, recovering management consultant, and researcher with over 20 years of experience in mobile and telecommunication. As a veteran of the first dot com era, he has held management positions at high-profile companies. His prior success and accomplishments include helping create, scale, and grow products and organizations through various stages of growth from early idea, startup, and scaling with growth and maturity. His engineering experience includes 12 years in the healthcare industry. He is currently P.I. or Co-PI on several National Institute on Aging SBIR grants. Tony received his Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering at the University of Virginia and his Master of Science in Telecommunications and Computer Networks at George Washington University.