March 2022 - Adapting to Remote Delivery: Lessons from EBPs Two Years On

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This call will offer participants an opportunity to learn how grantees are offering evidence-based programs during the coronavirus pandemic. In grand rounds style, grantees will share how they are delivering EBPs in the virtual/remote environment, successes of their work, and lessons learned. Join the call to learn about virtual delivery of EBPs, collaborate with others across the country, and ask questions to help your organization work towards offering and/or improving your EBP virtual delivery.

Recorded: 03/22/2022

Kelly Chadwick

HPRC Practicum Student, Older Adult Health Promotion

University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center

Kelly Chadwick is currently a master's student studying public health at the University of Washington. While completing her degree she is working at the University?s Health Promotion Research Center on a project evaluating the impacts of evidence-based programs? pivot to remote delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to discovering her passion for public health, Kelly received a B.A. in Psychology from Whitman College.

Marlana Kohn, MPH (she/her)

Research Scientist

UW Health Promotion Research Center

Marlana Kohn, MPH, is a research scientist at the UW Health Promotion Research Center. Her current research includes older adult physical activity, workplace health promotion, and age-appropriate cancer screening in the context of program implementation and dissemination. She works extensively with community partners to expand reach of evidence-based programming through research and adaptation.

Lesley Steinman MSW, MPH (she/her)

Research Scientist

University of Washington School of Public Health

Lesley Steinman, MSW, MPH is a Research Scientist at the Health Promotion Research Center, a CDC-funded Prevention Research Center at the University of Washington School of Public Health, and a Director at the Evidence Based Leadership Collaborative. Ms. Steinman partners with community-designed and delivered evidence-based program (EBP) participants, practitioners, and policymakers to understand, adapt, deliver, and sustain EBP delivery with diverse settings and populations across the country to improve older adult health equity.


March 2022 Grand Rounds
03/22/2022 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/22/2022
03/22/2022 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/22/2022