Linking Falls Prevention to Housing Stability to Open New Pathways

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R2: Deep Dive: Linking Falls Prevention to Housing Stability to Open New Pathways

Increasingly, older adults are turning to the Aging Network to help find affordable, accessible housing, but usually the most affordable option is their current home. Actual falls or being at-risk of falling is a factor that can undermine housing stability. The Chicago Housing Authority’s innovative Falls Prevention program provides a model for serving individuals in federally subsidized housing. Evidence-based program coordinators and falls prevention coalitions will learn about ways to partner with public housing authorities to bring Falls Prevention programs and supports to older adults with low incomes. Assistive technology (AT) and home modification provide additional, complementary ways to make current homes more accessible. Partnerships between Falls Prevention programs and state AT programs and home modification providers can leverage and braid resources to seamlessly prevent more falls and enable more older adults to live safely and optimally in their current homes. Participants will receive links and handouts to support action. 

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify their state/local housing authority, affordable housing coalition, state AT program, and home modification providers.
  • Brief organizational leaders on opportunities to leverage Falls Prevention programs to further promote housing stability via new partnerships.
  • Prepare an initial pitch to a housing authority, affordable housing coalition, state AT program, and home modification provider to discuss a potential collaboration.

Stephanie Pilato (Moderator)

Senior Director, Finance and Contract Management

National Council on Aging

Stephanie Pilato is a 15+ year member of the NCOA Finance department and enjoys working on the annual budget, forecasting, and assisting project managers with proposal budgets.

Donna Bethge

Aging Services Program Specialist

Administration for Community Living

Donna Bethge is an Aging Services Program Specialist in the Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs at the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Administration on Aging.  She serves as the lead for the Falls Prevention grant program and as the Program Officer for the Chicago Housing Authority’s grant. Before joining the team at ACL, Donna worked in the Aging Network in Maryland for 10 years with Area Agencies on Aging and an assisted living community, developing and implementing programs for older adults, as well as supporting and promoting evidence-based programs.  She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management from Northern Kentucky University.

Lori Gerhard BS

Director, Office of Interagency Innovation

Administration for Community Living

Lori Gerhard is the Director of the Office of Interagency Innovation at the US Administration for Community Living. Her office works in partnership with offices across ACL, agencies across HHS, and other federal departments to advance programs and policies that support older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers to live full lives in the community. Current areas of focus include housing, transportation, assistive technology, care transitions, social isolation and loneliness, Veteran Directed Care, equity, workforce, healthy aging and healthy communities.

Sonja Schaible

AT & Aging Coordinator

Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS)

Sonja Schaible is the Assistive Technology Acquisition and Aging Coordinator for the Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS). Prior to this position, Sonja served as the Executive Director of the F.R.E.E. Foundation (Foundation for Rehabilitation Equipment and Endowment) for eight years. With this role Sonja has had considerable experience providing and presenting on mobility related reused assistive technology services and best practices at the local, state, and national level as the F.R.E.E. Foundation is the statewide AT reuse program for Virginia. Sonja also has 20+ years of experience as a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist primarily working in adult inpatient physical rehabilitation centers. A native of Iowa, Sonja graduated from Iowa State University with a double major in Education (with a concentration in Therapeutic Recreation) and Exercise Science and a minor in Psychology.


06/21/2023 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/23/2023
06/21/2023 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/23/2023