July 2023 Grand Rounds - Data Collection Strategies from the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan

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This call will offer participants an opportunity to learn how grantees are offering evidence-based programs during the coronavirus pandemic. In grand rounds style, grantees will share how they are delivering EBPs in the virtual/remote environment, successes of their work, and lessons learned. Join the call to learn about virtual delivery of EBPs, collaborate with others across the country, and ask questions to help your organization work towards offering and/or improving your EBP virtual delivery.

Jodi Burke, MSW

Program Specialist

National Kidney Foundation of Michigan

Jodi Burke, MSW has 14 years of grant management experience, including working with Area Agencies on Aging and local health systems to provide evidence-based services, state supported efforts around diabetes management and worksite wellness, and federal initiatives focused on CDSMP expansion and improving women’s health. She has extensive experience in chronic disease management and prevention, as well as partner development and coalition building. Ms. Burke is a master trainer in CDSMP, DSMP, Chronic Pain Self-Management (in-person and virtual), Building Better Caregivers and the Powerful Tools for Caregivers programs. She is also a Diabetes Prevention program lifestyle coach.

Samantha Raad

Associate Program Manager

National Kidney Foundation of Michigan

Samantha Raad leads the Falls Prevention Grant at the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan, working specifically with EnhanceFitness and Matter of Balance. She has eight years of experience with leading and implementing evidence-based programs in community and remote settings.

Caitlin Buechley, MPH

Senior Program Coordinator

National Kidney Foundation of Michigan

Caitlin Buechley, MPH is a Senior Program Coordinator in the Patient Services department at the NKFM. As a Leader and Master Trainer for CDSMP, she has 5 years of experience facilitating community-based workshops and leader trainings. Her purpose is to support individuals living with kidney disease, other chronic health conditions, and disabilities in becoming active self-managers of their health.


July 2023 Grand Rounds
07/25/2023 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 07/25/2023  |   Closed captions available
07/25/2023 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 07/25/2023  |   Closed captions available
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