July 2022 - Featuring Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services

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This call will offer participants an opportunity to learn how grantees are offering evidence-based programs during the coronavirus pandemic. In grand rounds style, grantees will share how they are delivering EBPs in the virtual/remote environment, successes of their work, and lessons learned. Join the call to learn about virtual delivery of EBPs, collaborate with others across the country, and ask questions to help your organization work towards offering and/or improving your EBP virtual delivery.

Melissa Dale

Program Manager

Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services

Melissa Dale has worked in public health for the last 15 years. She is currently the Program Manager for the Montana Healthy Living Program, overseeing both the Arthritis and Falls Prevention Programs. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health Education from the Montana State University and a Master of Public Health degree from Walden University.  

Heather Welch

Section Supervisor for the Living Well Section

Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services

Heather Welch has worked at the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services for 15 years, previously working in tobacco, nutrition and physical activity, and the arthritis programs.  She is currently the Section Supervisor for the Living Well Section, which houses the Montana Healthy Living Program, Disability and Health Program and the Falls Prevention Program. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Education from Idaho State University. 


July 2022 Grand Rounds
07/26/2022 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 07/26/2022
07/26/2022 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 07/26/2022