January 10, 2023: Capacity Building Workgroup - Data Collection Tips

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Join the Capacity Building and Infrastructure Workgroup to connect with fellow grantees who are offering evidence-based programs! This workgroup will be the space to share and discuss your strategies, challenges, and success and to network with each other.

Yoko Meusch, MA

Program Associate, Center for Healthy Aging

National Council on Aging

Yoko Meusch, MA, is a Program Associate for the Center for Healthy Aging at National Council on Aging. Yoko provides technical assistance to U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) grant-funded community-based organizations promoting and implementing evidence-based Falls Prevention and Chronic Disease Self-Management education programs. In addition, she is a program administrator for Aging Mastery Program®, an NCOA’s signature program for aging well. 

Yoko holds a Bachelor's degree in Management Studies from the University of Maryland Global Campus and a Master's Degree in Health Communication from Johns Hopkins University. 


January 10, 2023: Capacity Building and Delivery Infrastructure Workgroup
01/10/2023 at 2:00 PM (EST)  |  Recorded On: 01/10/2023  |   Closed captions available
01/10/2023 at 2:00 PM (EST)  |  Recorded On: 01/10/2023  |   Closed captions available