February 2022 - Mission Matters: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Evidence-Based Programs
This call will offer participants an opportunity to learn how grantees are offering evidence-based programs during the coronavirus pandemic. In grand rounds style, grantees will share how they are delivering EBPs in the virtual/remote environment, successes of their work, and lessons learned. Join the call to learn about virtual delivery of EBPs, collaborate with others across the country, and ask questions to help your organization work towards offering and/or improving your EBP virtual delivery.
Recorded: 02/22/22
Ellen Bailey
Falls Prevention Program Manager
North Carolina Center for Health and Wellness
Ellen Bailey, MA, MPH, is the Falls Prevention Program Manager for the Healthy Aging NC initiative at the NC Center for Health and Wellness at UNC Asheville. As part of the Falls Prevention grant awarded through the Administration on Community Living, Ellen works with the Healthy Aging NC team to promote evidence-based falls prevention programs across North Carolina, to support regional and state falls prevention coalitions, and to develop clinical-community connections.