Building and Navigating Sustainable Partnership Development

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R3: Deep Dive: Building and Navigating Sustainable Partnership Development

Building a network to offer CDSME and other programs with external partners can be difficult and time consuming. Utilizing existing organizational connections and resources, along with building systems that allow for seamless communication between organizations allows for a sustainable network to be constructed. 

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify strategies for engaging with partner organizations to implement CDSME programming.
  • Modify existing program structures and models to implement CDSME and other programming.
  • Build a system that allows for centralized referrals to be housed and sent to partner organizations.

Yoko Meusch, MA (Moderator)

Program Associate, Center for Healthy Aging

National Council on Aging

Yoko Meusch, MA, is a Program Associate for the Center for Healthy Aging at National Council on Aging. Yoko provides technical assistance to U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) grant-funded community-based organizations promoting and implementing evidence-based Falls Prevention and Chronic Disease Self-Management education programs. In addition, she is a program administrator for Aging Mastery Program®, an NCOA’s signature program for aging well. 

Yoko holds a Bachelor's degree in Management Studies from the University of Maryland Global Campus and a Master's Degree in Health Communication from Johns Hopkins University. 

Joani Schmeling MPH MCHES

Program Manager

Health Promotion Council

Joani is a Program Manager with the Training and Capacity Building Program within the Health Promotion Council, an entity of Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) in Philadelphia. She is responsible for overseeing and assisting organizations with implementing programs, including the National Diabetes Prevention Program, DSMES, Walk With Ease, and Self-Management Resource Center programming. She does this through community engagement, technical assistance, data support, and guidance recommendations.

Gina Trignani, MS, RN, LDN

Director, Training and Capacity Building

Health Promotion Council

Gina Trignani, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., is the Director for Training and Capacity Building at Health Promotion Council, as subsidiary of Public Health Management Corporation. Over her many years of clinical and public health industry experience, as a registered dietitian, diabetes educator, clinical research associate, and project director, she has championed the delivery of and access to evidence-based chronic disease management and prevention programs with a focus on diabetes and diabetes prevention. She oversees a portfolio of grant funded projects which aim to bridge alliances with local, statewide and national partners in the provision of direct services, technical assistance, thought leadership, in addition to, policy and systems change. Gina is passionate about working with communities to address social determinants of health and reducing barriers to access and sustainability of evidence-based programs. Likewise, she strives to identify innovative solutions to continue to close the gaps within community and clinical integration, payment solutions, return on investment, and continuous quality improvement.


06/21/2023 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/23/2023
06/21/2023 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/23/2023