August 2022 - Featuring University of Tennessee Extension

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This call will offer participants an opportunity to learn how grantees are offering evidence-based programs during the coronavirus pandemic. In grand rounds style, grantees will share how they are delivering EBPs in the virtual/remote environment, successes of their work, and lessons learned. Join the call to learn about virtual delivery of EBPs, collaborate with others across the country, and ask questions to help your organization work towards offering and/or improving your EBP virtual delivery.

Dr. Lisa Washburn, DrPH

Community Health Associate Professor

University of Tennessee Extension

Dr. Lisa Washburn is a Community Health Associate Professor and Extension Specialist with the University of Tennessee Extension. Dr. Washburn began her Extension career in Arkansas in 2001 where she served as a County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences and 4-H and Extension Health Specialist at the state level. Dr. Washburn is a co-developer of the 4-H Yoga for Kids Program; Extension Get Fit, a community-based group strength training program; and the nationally-recognized Extension Wellness Ambassador Program for master health volunteers. She holds a BS in Family and Consumer Sciences Education, a master’s degree in Health Studies and a Doctorate in Public Health Leadership. Dr. Washburn’s programmatic and applied research interests include the convergence of family and community health, public health, and community engagement; community-based participatory interventions; training and engagement of health and wellness volunteers; and Extension’s response to the opioid epidemic. 


August 2022 Grand Rounds
08/23/2022 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 08/23/2022
08/23/2022 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 08/23/2022
Grand Rounds Reflections
Open discussion to continue.
Open discussion to continue. Join us for a reflection on the Grand Rounds presentation. Post your comment or questions here.

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