August 2021 - Successes and Challenges of Virtual/Remote Programming from CJE Senior Life and University of Nevada

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This call will offer participants an opportunity to learn how grantees are offering evidence-based programs during the coronavirus pandemic. In grand rounds style, grantees will share how they are delivering EBPs in the virtual/remote environment, successes of their work, and lessons learned. Join the call to learn about virtual delivery of EBPs, collaborate with others across the country, and ask questions to help your organization work towards offering and/or improving your EBP virtual delivery.

Recorded: 08/24/2021

Margaret Danilovich, DPT, PhD

Senior Director, Leonard Schanfield Research Institute

CJE Senior Life

Dr. Margaret Danilovich is the senior director of the Leonard Schanfield Research Institute at CJE and an adjunct assistant professor at Northwestern where she directs the dual degree program in public health and physical therapy.  She earned a doctorate in physical therapy from Northwestern, a PhD in Public Health with a focus in Gerontology from UIC and is board certified in geriatric physical therapy. Margaret's research focuses on exercise interventions for older adults with frailty and has been funded by a variety of private foundations and the NIH. She currently is the recipient of 2 falls-prevention grants from the Administration for Community Living. She serves on the NIH study section review panel, has written over 20 peer reviewed publications, has authored columns on topics in aging for Crain's Chicago Business, the Huffington Post, and CNN, and frequently lectures and consults nationally on best practices in the care of older adults, especially related to the areas of frailty, fall-prevention, and exercise programming.

Hannah Linden, MPH, CHES

University of Nevada

Hannah joined Community Health Alliance in September of 2018, first working as a Care Coordinator at the Center for Complex Care, and shifted into her position as Healthy Living Program Coordinator in January of 2020.

Previously, Hannah worked as a research assistant at the University of Nevada, Reno, while she worked toward her Master of Public Health degree. She has worked with the local non-profit On Common Ground where she helped to teach children and families about cooking and nutrition. She has also worked as an instructor at the University of Nevada, Reno, teaching undergraduate classes for the Community Health Science’s department.

Jennifer Tripken, Ed.D., CHES (Moderator)

Associate Director, Center for Healthy Aging

National Council on Aging

Dr. Jennifer L. Tripken is an Associate Director, Center for Healthy Aging at the National Council on Aging. In this role, Jennifer supports the expansion and sustainability of evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programs in the community and online through collaboration with national, state, and community partners. Prior to joining NCOA, Jennifer worked for eight years as a university professor in Health Education and Promotion. Before that, Jennifer spent six years as a middle and high school Health Education teacher in New York. 

Jennifer earned her Ed.D. in Health Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, her M.Ed. in Health Education at Boston University, and her B.S. in Athletic Training at Pennsylvania State University.


Success and Challenges - CJE Senior Life and University of Nevada
Recorded 08/24/2021
Recorded 08/24/2021