Medicare in 2024: Changes Affecting Low-Income Beneficiaries
Recorded On: 10/31/2023
- Learner - Free!
Numerous changes are on the horizon for low-income Medicare beneficiaries in the coming year.
In this session, participants will be able to:
- Discuss what clients with the Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS/Extra Help) can expect to pay for their prescription drug plan in 2024, and coverage considerations.
- Share trends in the landscape of benchmark drug plans being offered to individuals with LIS
- Analyze what the Medicare Savings Program landscape looks like, including new flexibilities offered by states.
- Discuss the impact of the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act on the low-income subsidies and cost burden faced by people with Medicare.

Darren Hotton (Moderator)
Associate Director of Community Health and Benefits
National Council on Aging
Darren Hotton has over 20 years of experience helping Medicare beneficiaries, family members, and caregivers navigate the Medicare and Medicaid landscape. He was the Director of Utah Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIP), Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP), and Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) for 18 years. Darren's mission is to empower, educate, and assist older adults to access all benefits, and age well on their own terms.

Gabriel Smith (Moderator)
Program Associate, Center for Benefits Access
National Council on Aging
Gabriel Smith is a program associate at the NationalCouncil on Aging and oversees the Midwest region of NCOA's national network ofBenefits Enrollment Centers. Gabriel coordinates and provides technicalassistance to a portfolio of 27 BECs, serving a diverse population of olderadults, which also included webinars such as “What’s New in Medicare in 2023?”and “Outreach to Beneficiaries with Limited English Proficiency”.
Gabriel has received both anMPH (Public Health) and an MHA (Health Administration) from The GeorgeWashington University. Prior to joining The National Council on Aging, Gabrielworked at the Chesapeake Regional Information Systems for our Patients (CRISP),a nonprofit regional health information exchange.