Introduction and Training for the Healthy Aging Programs Integrated Database (HAPID)
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Join this webinar for an orientation of the new Healthy Aging Program Integrated Database (HAPID), including how to navigate the system, create new workshops, add host and implementation sites, track workshop activities, and produce reports. HAPI-D will provide a one-stop shop for all grantees and database users to enter workshop data and track performance for both CDSME and falls prevention evidence-based programs. The integrated database combined the National Council on Aging’s National CDSME and Falls Prevention databases, which have been separate entities for nearly a decade, entirely on NCOA’s Salesforce platform.

Angelica Herrera-Venson, DrPH, MPH
Associate Director, Data Management & Evaluation
National Council on Aging
Angelica Herrera-Venson, DrPH, MPH is an Associate Director in Data Management & Evaluation at NCOA. She provides training and technical assistance to database users on the National CDSME Database and conducts data analyses of evidence-based program activity and grantee performance. She has worked in the field of aging and diverse communities for nearly two decades. As a former professor and academic, she has researched and published peer-reviewed, scientific articles on many related topics, including the quality of diabetes care, depression in older age, health disparities among Hispanic and other minority elders, and family caregiving challenges in vulnerable populations.

Meghan Thompson
Data Manager
Sound Generations
Meghan Thompson has worked with data and analytics for evidence-based health promotion programs serving older adults for more than twenty years. As data manager for Sound Generations’ Project Enhance in Seattle, WA, she has been dedicated to making EnhanceFitness and EnhanceWellness program data as useful and relevant as possible for delivery partners, researchers, and participants, as well as to providing quality support to the community of those who use NCOA’s National CDSME and Falls Prevention Databases.