Introducing the Newly Approved Evidence-Based Program: Home Hazard Removal Program (HARP)
- Learner - Free!
Thinking about expanding your evidence-based program offerings? This webinar provides an overview of the Home Hazard Removal Program (HARP), a newly approved program for the Older Americans Act Title III-D evidence-based program pre-approved list.
HARP is a behavioral intervention that targets fall risk behaviors and home hazards for older adults at high risk of falling through minor home repair, adaptive equipment, task modification, and education and self-management strategies.
Join this webinar to learn more about HARP, including its core components, benefits to older adults, leader training protocols, and implementation practices.

Donna Bethge
Aging Services Program Specialist
Administration for Community Living
Donna Bethge is an Aging Services Program Specialist in the Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs at the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Administration on Aging. She serves as the lead for the Falls Prevention grant program and as the Program Officer for the Chicago Housing Authority’s grant. Before joining the team at ACL, Donna worked in the Aging Network in Maryland for 10 years with Area Agencies on Aging and an assisted living community, developing and implementing programs for older adults, as well as supporting and promoting evidence-based programs. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management from Northern Kentucky University.

Susy Stark, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy, Neurology and Social Work
Washington University School of Medicine
Dr. Stark is Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy, Neurology and Social Work at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Dr. Stark has built an impressive research program examining environmental modifications and adaptation to support aging-in-place for community-dwelling older adults. She has focused her efforts on older adults vulnerable for institutional placement, particularly those with impairments due to chronic and degenerative conditions such as stroke and dementia. Dr. Stark’s thematically linked research program has direct implications for occupational therapy research and practice. What sets Dr. Stark’s research apart from most aging research is her study of the lived environment. Perhaps this is not innovative in the mind of an occupational therapy scientist; however, it is very innovative to scientists outside our discipline. In addition, Dr. Stark’s studies address a complex range of personal, environmental, and functional factors that contribute to falls in the home. Her more recent research examines the timing of falls in the progression of preclinical Alzheimer’s disease, and the association between this timing and pre-identified neuroimaging correlates. Findings from this study are likely to improve early identification of candidates likely to benefit from intervention, with the intent that such intervention may contribute to slowed trajectories of decline.

Jennifer Tripken, Ed.D., CHES
Associate Director, Center for Healthy Aging
National Council on Aging
Dr. Jennifer L. Tripken is an Associate Director, Center for Healthy Aging at the National Council on Aging. In this role, Jennifer supports the expansion and sustainability of evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programs in the community and online through collaboration with national, state, and community partners. Prior to joining NCOA, Jennifer worked for eight years as a university professor in Health Education and Promotion. Before that, Jennifer spent six years as a middle and high school Health Education teacher in New York.
Jennifer earned her Ed.D. in Health Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, her M.Ed. in Health Education at Boston University, and her B.S. in Athletic Training at Pennsylvania State University.