August 2024 MIPPA /BEC webinar - Telling your Story: Importance of data and personal narratives

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Recorded On: 08/14/2024

In our topical August BEC/MIPPA technical assistance call, we will hear from a SOGI expert and a featured Benefits Enrollment Center to demonstrate the importance of data and personal narratives when working to procure funding, conduct advocacy work, and more. 

In this webinar, participants will be able to: 

1. Achieve a better understanding of the use and importance of SOGI data. 

2. Learn strategies for client data and story collection. 

3. Explore potential uses for client success stories. 


Jessalyn Cali (Moderator)

Program Associate, Center for Economic Well-Being

National Council on Aging

Jessalyn joined NCOA in August 2023, and serves as the primary point of contact for the Benefits Enrollment Centers in the Northeast. Her previous work focused on the experiences of beneficiaries enrolling in WIC, SNAP, and Medicaid, and she is passionate about working to increase access to life-changing benefits. She has her bachelor's degree in Health Equity & Policy from Cornell University. 

Matthew Hubbard

Policy Analyst

National Council on Aging

Matthew Hubbard, MA, manages NCOA's federal executive branch efforts on issues and programs of concern to older adults, such as access to Medicare, Medicaid, and SSI. Matthew also works on policies relating to older adult financial security.

Sherrill Wayland

Senior Director of Special Initiatives and Partnerships


Sherrill Wayland, Senior Director of Special Initiatives and Partnerships, serves as a trusted thought partner to national initiatives team members and SAGE staff across the organization. They lead the National Resource Center on LGBTQ Aging, serves as SAGE lead for the Long-Term Care Equality Index (in partnership with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation) and works in close partnership with SAGECollab, SAGECare, and the Diverse Elders Coalition. Sherrill began work with SAGE at the local level in 2008, founding the SAGE Affiliate in St. Louis, MO (now Missourians Aging with Pride). Sherrill earned a Master of Social Work degree from the Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, and has over 25 years of professional experience in the fields of education, disability, and LGBTQ+ older adult advocacy.

Kevin Kiprovski

Director, Public Policy

LiveOn NY

Kevin has worked across many industries from Education to Tech to Government and is passionate about improving government response to pressing needs in underserved communities. Kevin joined LiveOn in 2023 after a 3 year stint in New York City Council with the goal of elevating aging issues at all levels of government and combating the systemic ageism that has kept older adult services from receiving the attention and resources they need to meet the needs of older adults in New York State. Through the reframing initiative Kevin has worked to train those in the field and those who are interested in ways to combat their own internalized ageism and work to build a more inclusive system to make New York a better place to age!


Telling your Story: Importance of Data and Personal Narratives
08/14/2024 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 08/14/2024
08/14/2024 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 08/14/2024
Evaluation: August 2024 MIPPA/BEC Webinar
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August 2024 MIPPA/BEC TA PowerPoint
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