2023 Programs of Excellence Series - Meaningful Multigenerational Engagement
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Join us for the second webinar in our NISC Programs of Excellence Series featuring the winning programs in the Intergenerational category.
In this webinar, participants will be able to:
1. Highlight best practices from Programs of Excellence programs.
2. Describe innovative, creative, and impactful programs for older adults.
3. Share innovative ways senior centers have made meaningful multigenerational engagement.

Dianne Stone
Associate Director of Network Development and Engagement, Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center and NISC
National Council on Aging
Dianne Stone has more than 20 years of experience with senior centers and aging issues, primarily as the Director of the Newington Senior and Disabled Center in Newington, Connecticut. Stone has also worked, volunteered, and held leadership positions with a variety of organizations in Connecticut, including Connecticut AgeWell Collaborative, the ADA Coalition of Connecticut, Connecticut Medicaid Oversight Council, and the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity. She joined NCOA in January 2022, as a member of the Center for Healthy Aging, where she is primarily focused on supporting senior centers throughout the country through the ACL-funded Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center and NISC.

Nancy Z. Henkin, Ph.D
Senior Fellow
Generations United
Dr. Henkin, the founder and former Executive Director of the Intergenerational Center at Temple University, is currently serving as a Senior Fellow at Generations United. Dr. Henkin received her B.S. from Simmons College and her Ph.D. from Temple University. Over the past 40 years, she has developed a wide range of cross-age programs, provided consultation to local, national, and international organizations in the aging, youth, housing, and educational fields, and published numerous articles and program materials. A leading authority in intergenerational practice, community building, and lifelong civic engagement/learning, Dr. Henkin is a frequent presenter at national and international conferences. Dr, Henkin serves on the International Journal on Intergenerational Relations editorial board. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Maggie Kuhn Award from the Gray Panthers (1988), the Jack Ossofsky Award from the National Council on the Aging (2005), the Eisner Prize for Intergenerational Excellence 2101 (on behalf of the Intergenerational Center) , ARK Ageing Programme Fellowship (Queens University, Belfast, Ireland 2013), the Marjorie Cantor Leadership Award from Elders Share the Arts (2013) and the Intergenerational Champion Award from Generations United (2015). In 2006, she was elected into the Ashoka Fellowship, a global community of social entrepreneurs, for her efforts to build Communities for All Ages. |

Pat DiGrigoli
Senior Center Director
Lee Senior Center
Pat grew up in Lee, MA where she married her high school sweetheart and went on to have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. She received her Associate Degree from Berkshire Community college in Physical Therapy and received her Social Work degree from the Lady of Elms College. She served as the Dementia coordinator at the Landing at Laurel Lake and for the past 8 years has served as the Council on Aging and Senior Center Director for the Lee Senior Center.

Paula Woischke, MS
Whitney Senior Center, St. Cloud, MN
Paula has worked in health and wellness for over twenty years, focusing on the older adult population. She became a Certified Community Health Worker in June 2023. Paula is a leader in the aging field of Evidence-based Health Programs. In addition to being a Master Trainer Select the National DPP, she is a Master Trainer for SAIL – Stay Active and Independent for Life, EnhanceFitness, Matter of Balance, Stepping On, Living Well with Chronic Conditions, Pain, and Diabetes, and Health Coaches for Hypertension. She is also trained as a leader in Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance, Tai Chi for Arthritis, and Walk with Ease.

Barbara Franke
Senior Center Director
Jacksonville Senior Center
Barbara Franke has worked for the Baltimore County Department of Aging for 22 years. I started as an Activities Specialist and was in that position for one year. I was promoted to Center Director for two part-time neighborhood senior centers in northern Baltimore County—Jacksonville Senior Center and Mt. Carmel Senior Center. In 2010 the Jacksonville Senior Center moved to a new and larger location and became a full-time community senior center. At that time, I was then promoted to full-time as the Center Director of the Jacksonville Senior Center. This center was upgraded to a regional senior center in 2019, and I continue as the Jacksonville Senior Center Director in Phoenix, Maryland.