Direct Care Workforce Strategies Center: State Technical Assistance Opportunities
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Ramsey Alwin
President & CEO
National Council on Aging
As President and CEO of the National Council on Aging, Ramsey Alwin is leading a nationwide movement to ensure equitable aging for every American.
Building on NCOA’s 70 years of service and advocacy for older adults, Alwin is renewing the organization’s commitment to improving the lives of millions, especially those who are struggling. She is sparking critical conversations about the resources every American deserves to age well—and what needs to change to ensure all have access.
A seasoned thought leader and policy advocate, Alwin has changed the way people think about older adult poverty and economic security. She designed a new measure of economic security for older adults that better accounts for out-of-pocket health costs and worked to introduce the Measuring American Poverty Act in Congress to redefine the federal poverty measure for the older population. Thanks to Alwin’s efforts, the U.S. Census Bureau formally implemented the Supplemental Poverty Measure nationwide, virtually doubling the elder poverty count and better demonstrating true needs among this population.
Prior to leading NCOA, Alwin directed financial resilience global thought leadership at AARP and served as Director of National Economic Security Programs at Wider Opportunities for Women. Currently, she serves on the Executive Committee of the UN NGO Committee on Aging, the America250 Health and Wellness Advisory Council, and the National Academy of Social Insurance Finance Committee.

Alison Barkoff
Performing the duties of the ACL Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging
U.S. Administration for Community Living
Alison Barkoff was sworn in as Principal Deputy Administrator on January 20, 2021 and is currently performing the duties of the ACL Administrator and the Assistant Secretary for Aging. She provides executive leadership and coordination for ACL programs nationwide and advises the HHS Secretary on issues affecting people with disabilities and older adults.
A sibling of an adult brother with developmental disabilities and a civil rights attorney, Alison is a lifelong advocate for community living – both professionally and personally – and has been at the forefront of national efforts to expand the home and community-based services (HCBS) that make community living possible.
As part of countless coalitions of people with disabilities, older adults, and advocates, she has fought to uphold the rights of people with disabilities and older adults and advance policies to ensure their access to health care, housing, employment, education, and all other facets of community life. She has testified before Congress and the US Commission on Civil Rights on disability rights and community living.
She has served in a variety of leadership roles with disability rights organizations, including leading advocacy efforts at the Center for Public Representation and the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law.
She also is a veteran of the federal government. As Special Counsel for Olmstead Enforcement in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, she led efforts to enforce the rights of people with disabilities to live, work and fully participate in their communities. She also led interagency initiatives with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on Medicaid HCBS and with the Department of Labor on direct care workforce issues.
Alison has brought that same focus on collaboration and coordination to her current role. Under her leadership, ACL is working with partners across HHS and the federal government on initiatives and interagency approaches to issues that affect people with disabilities and older adults, such as expanding access to HCBS and affordable, accessible housing; strengthening the direct care workforce; increasing competitive, integrated employment for people with disabilities; and advancing equity, to name just a few.

Hope Glassberg
Rockingstone Group

Ben Mays
Policy Director
National Association of State Workforce Agencies
Ben Mays is a Policy Director at the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA), a national organization representing workforce agencies in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories.
Prior to joining NASWA, Ben Mays served as a Policy Advisor within the State of Rhode Island’s Executive Office of Commerce where he advised the state’s first-ever Commerce Secretary. Prior to his time in Rhode Island, Ben held several roles in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, including as a Dukakis Fellow in the Office of Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval.
Ben received his undergraduate degree in History from Johns Hopkins University and his Master in Public Policy degree from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Kate McEvoy
Executive Director
National Association of Medicaid Directors

Martha Roherty
Executive Director
ADvancing States

Mary Sowers
Executive Director
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services
April Young
Senior Director, National Core Indicators – Aging & Disabilities
ADvancing States
April Young is the Senior Director of National Core Indicators – Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) at ADvancing States (formerly NASUAD). Since 2015, the NCI-AD survey tool has been utilized by states across the country interested in tracking quality of life and outcomes data for aging and disability populations receiving publicly funded long-term services and supports. Ms. Young is responsible for promoting outreach and awareness of NCI-AD, providing technical assistance to states, and conducting in-person training for states and surveyors. Before joining ADvancing States, Ms. Young worked as a policy advisor specializing in long-term services and supports for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Ms. Young played an instrumental role in the adoption of a state-wide Employment First policy and has extensive experience with home and community-based services programs. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin with a concentration in Community and Administrative Leadership. |